Bulk weigh systems
Showing all 4 results
Bulk Weigh Structure (Dual Scale)
The Dual Scale Bulk Weigh Structure consists of two weigh hoppers side by side, all contained in one structure. A continuous feed system allows one hopper to fill while the other is discharging, thus eliminating the need for an upper garner. This dramatically reduces the height of the entire system. This arrangement offers advantages over conventional bulk weigh scale designs because of smaller draft sizes which decreases product damage caused by impact loading and surging.
Bulk Weigh Structure (Dual) DSC-920i
The Superior Technologies “DSC-920i” (Dual Scale Controller) is an Industrial Controller programmed specifically for controlling a dual scale bulk weigh structure to perform various weighing tasks. The dual scale design allows for installation where height is limited and is suitable for handling products that are susceptible to impact loading. The DSC-920i package communicates with a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) to sequence bulk weigh scale gate operation according to Legal-for-Trade specifications.
Bulk Weigh Structure (Single Scale)
The Single Scale Bulk Weigh Structure consists of an upper, weigh and lower garner all contained in one structure. Product is continuously fed into the system and weighed & discharged into the lower garner to continue along the selected flow path. Product is stored in the upper garner until the weighment is complete and the weigh hopper is ready to accept another draft. All Superior bulk weigh structures are custom designed and fabricated to fit the customer’s specific application and capacity.
Bulk Weigh System (Single) SSC-920i
The Superior Technologies “SSC-920i” (Single Scale Controller) is an Industrial Controller programmed specifically for controlling a single scale bulk weigh structure to perform various weighing tasks. The SSC-920i package communicates with a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) to sequence bulk weigh scale gate operation according to Legal-for-Trade specifications.