ST-Mushroom Data Collection and Management System
ST-Mushroom Data Collection/Management System is designed for the Mushroom Farm Industry, consists of a software package developed by Superior Technologies that operates on Windows™ Personal Computers (PC), built on the robust database platform of Microsoft SQL Server™. Utilising barcode technology, boxes of mushrooms are scanned and their weights accumulated in order to provide production totals, payroll reports, traceability and statistical information.
This software system consists of two main applications:
1. Data Management System – This application is used as a management tool to
configure the various databases necessary for data collection. In addition, it is used for
printing picker barcode labels that are applied to boxes that will later be scanned at the
Data Collection PC workstation.
2. Mushroom Data Collection System – This application runs on the Data Collection PC
workstation. Its function is to scan a cart containing barcoded boxes of mushrooms and
store this data into a Microsoft SQL Server transaction table.